White Choc & Raspberry Chickpea Blondies


That's right you read it correctly, this super tasty treat is made with chickpeas

Our Head of Marketing is absolutely crazy about anything made with chickpeas be it aqua faba for meringues or moose or in this case some brilliant blondies. Using chickpeas means that this recipe is also gluten-free and can be made vegan too by changing the white choc to dark or using white chocolate alternatives.

Once you have this recipe mastered the skies the limit so why not try dark chocolate and chilli or a salted date caramel?

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Time: 37 mins
  • Servings: 16
  • Calories: 99
  • Gluten Free
  • Source of fibre
  • Sugar alternatives
  • Vegetarian


For the Chickpea Blondies

  • 1 Can of Chickpeas (drained)
  • 85g Peanut Butter
  • 80ml Agave Syrup
  • 10ml Vanilla Essence
  • 75g Raspberries
  • 1/4tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/4tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 50g No Added Sugar White Chocolate Chips
  • 1/4tsp Salt


Step 1:

start by lining an 8-inch baking tin with baking paper and spray with a very small amount of low cal oil.
Preheat your oven to 180•C

Step 2:

Drain and rinse the tin of chickpeas and pat try dry with a paper towel to remove any excess liquid.

Add the chickpeas to a food processor along with everything bar the raspberries and white choc chips. You are looking to blend the ingredients until you get a silky smooth paste with no trace of any lumps left.

Step 3:

Remove the blade from the food processor and add in half the no added sugar white choc chips and half the raspberries. Mix these into the chickpea mixture but don’t overwork, just enough so they are evenly spread throughout.

Pour your mixture into the lined baking tin and spread out evenly.

Step 4:

Chop the remaining raspberries slightly and add to the top of the mixture with the rest of the white choc chips. Place in the oven for 20 minutes. Check that a knife comes out clean to make sure your blondies are cooked through and cook for an extra 5 minutes if not.

Cool on a cooling rack then cut into slices and serve with low-calorie vanilla ice cream.

Enjoy x

Fancy these?